Matteo de Notaris, MD, PhD
ETOS General Secretary
Proffesional Experience
Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery,
University of Salerno, Italy
Director - Laboratory of NeuroAnatomy
EBRIS Institute-Salerno, Italy
Head of the NeuroAnatomy Committee
Italian Society of Neurosurgery

Professional Biography
Born in Naples (Italy) on 16/06/1977
Graduated in Medicine and Surgery (Univ. Federico II, Naples) on 15/10/2003, grade 106/110
Winner of the European Project Leonardo Da Vinci Program "EMASEAN" at "Hospital Clinic" of Barcelona, Spain from 01/01/2006 to 01/04/2006.
Specialist in Neurosurgery (Univ. Federico II, Naples) on 31/10/2008, grade 50/50 cum laude.
Winner of the "Sixto Obrador Prize" for the best scientific work by the Spanish Society of Neurosurgery on 01/04/2009.
PhD in Clinical and Pathological Morphology (Univ. Federico II, Naples) on 21/11/2011, cum laude
Associate Professor of Human Anatomy and Embryology (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain) from 15/09/2010 to 14/09/2012.
Permanent Medical Staff in Neurosurgery from 19/01/2010 to 03/07/2013 at "Hospital Clinic" of Barcelona, Spain (Equivalence recognized by the Campania Region Decree No. 18 of 05/04/2018).
Fellowship in Endoscopic Surgery at the Department of Neurosurgery "University of Greifswald", Germany from 14/08/2011 to 24/08/2011.
Level I Medical Director Staff since 31/10/2014 to the present at "AO San Pio" Benevento, Italy, permanent position. Responsible for the Pituitary Outpatient and Endoscopic Surgery (Prot. Dir. Gen. n.19065).
Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery (RTD-B), University of Salerno, Italy - November 15th 2023
Head of the Neuroanatomy Section (May 2022) of the Italian Society of Neurosurgery (SINch).
Cordinator - Laboratory of NeuroAnatomy - EBRIS Institute-Salerno, Italy; WEB:
Member of the Spanish Society of Neurosurgery and member of the International Federation of Neuroendoscopy (IFNE), Founding Member of the International Transorbital Consortium (ITOC) since 2022
Since 2010 to the present, has performed about 1700 certified neurosurgical interventions with a predominant interest in neuro-oncological pathology of the cranial base, pituitary, and orbital region.
Author and co-author of 84 scientific papers published in international peer-reviewed journals with high impact factor, h-index of 22, and a total of 1376 citations to date (Scopus) and 13 book chapters.
Reviewer (120 peer reviews) for the following Neurosurgery journals with Impact Factor: World Neurosurgery (Elsevier); Journal of Neurosurgical Sciences (Minerva Medica); Surgical Neurology International (Wolterskluwer); Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine (Elsevier) and Neuroscience Journal (Hindawi).
From 2010 to the present, participated as a "tutor", "guest" and "honoured speaker" in more than 90 national and international meetings (USA, Spain, Germany, Poland, Cuba, Austria, Georgia, Bulgaria, China, Korea).